Manual Lymphatic Treatment for Massage Therapists: Level One
This course consists of a required 3-hour pre-requisite home study, followed by a 6-hour-in-person lecture and interactive lab sessions for a total of 9 contact hours.
Manual Lymphatic Treatment Level One (non-cancer) and mandatory home study-on demand webinar pre-requistite
Pre-course Home Study 0n-Demand
Live in-person
8:00-8:30 - Registration
8:30-9:30 –A&P of Lymphatic System
•Integration of A&P knowledge and pathophysiology of the lymphatic system
•Identify indications of lymphatic drainage, precautions, and contraindications
9:30-10:30 –Practicum of Online Basic Manual Techniques, Skills Assessment
•Manual techniques for emptying lymph nodes, facilitation of collectors for drainage of the initial lymphatics
10:30-12:00 pm – Lab: Lymphatic Drainage of Limbs
•Proximal to distal limb drainage techniques, hand placement, and sequencing
•Node emptying
•Initial lymphatics drainage in upper extremities
•Lower extremities
•Lab skills assessment for limbs and trunk
12:00-1:00 pm – Lunch (on your own)
01:00-3:30 pm – Lab: Head & Neck Lymphatic Drainage
•Hand placement, sequence, and technique for node emptying, and initial lymphatic drainage
•Lab skills assessment for head & neck
3:30-3:45 pm – Q&A
Manual lymphatic treatment references
Manual lymphatic handout for note taking
Course Objectives
Anatomy, physiology, scope of course and benefits of manual lymphatic treatment
The latest science and evidence behind manual techniques.
Manual technique: Emptying lymph nodes
Manual technique: Nodes neck down
Manual technique: Nodes head & neck
Manual technique: Clearing collectors
Manual technique: Clearing collectors/upper quadrant
Manual technique: Clearing collectors/lower quadrant
Manual technique: Initial lymphatic drainage (dermal bi-stretch, dermal scoop)
Demonstration manual technique labs
Definition of lymphedema, types, signs/symptoms, stages, lymphedema in the oncology population and when to refer clients to a lymphedema specialist
Treatment interventions: CDT-MLD, compression bandaging, exercises and self-care management
Home Study Prerequisite Exam